Some bright ideas for dark days

Where I live, we’ve had one sunny day so far.  One.  One day where there were no clouds in the sky and those lemony rays felt like life to us wilted people.  In my opinion life’s tasks should have to comply to the Circadian Rythm.  Which states (in my words) that the amount of sun we get should reflect the amount of work we’re required to give … wouldn’t that be nice! 😏 


If you’re feeling a little wilted as well, I’ve got ideas to lift your mood, lift your heart, and perhaps lift your booty, too?


The FitOn app

(stop, I know you’re already wanting to scroll – keep reading)

Folks, I hate working out. I’d rather be running back and forth on the tennis court or hiking a mountain … but standing in the same room with weights and machines, for me that spells b-o-r-i-n-g.  Even though this app is still all about getting that pump in – it’s enjoyable (or, accountable) when you have another doing it with you.  You can choose the amount of time you want to work out and there are lots of free options.  If you’ve slowed way down … sitting in a car, sitting at a desk, sitting on the couch … even a little movement helps lighten the weight of darkness.  Give credit to our endorphins or simply feel like you’re not wasting away – just give it a try, your body will thank you (afterwards, certainly not during).


Join a Bible Study

There everywhere!  For me, I’ve just finished reading Good Boundaries and Goodbye’s by Lysa Terkeurst, and I cannot begin to express how needed and timely this book was.  Besides the the bible, this too is a book I want to wear – I want the lessons given to be something I can easily remind myself and instruct another in.  If you’re working on some self-care, this book is a must.  

If you’d don’t have time to read – you have time to listen!  Audio books while driving doing laundry or dishes can be a huge way to remain encouraged, learn something, or be creatively entertained.


Be a Cozy Minimalist

There is something about a clutter free, organized space that brings me joy!  I love to see what I need and nothing more.  For these dark days, I’m finding some lighthearted activity in cleaning out closets, filing cabinets, and anything else that I feel is too heavy with burden.  Perhaps organizing doesn’t bring you joy – don’t let that stop you from creating a space that does!   

“Clutter smothers. Simplicity breathes.” Terry Guillemetes


Take it one space at a time and ask yourself these questions:

  • It is serving an immediate purpose?
  • Will I be needing this in the very near future?
  • Is the physical space worth more than the space this item is taking up?

“Organization isn’t about perfection. It’s about efficiency, reducing stress & clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.” Christina Scalise


Do small things well

With these darker days our energy source feels drained.  With that in mind I purposefully lessen my work load.  Less calendar events and less schooling activity.  However, less can be a place to deepen focus.  For instance, our homeschool looks like less daily subjects, yet focusing on doing well the task at hand.   We work to write well, communicate well, finish well, help each other well – while keeping a smaller work load.

This is a discipline of slowing down to see what areas are being overlooked or quickly passed by.

What about doing small things well from a professional view – what are you doing quickly that could use some attention?  For instance, are you communicating well, responding to compliments or disagreements well?  Are you finishing the day well with a smile or an encouragement for another?  Sometimes these dark days leave us feeling robotic – remember to be kind to yourself.  When doing so, we’re more apt to be kind to another.


“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,” Acts 17: 26, 27


  • What if these dark days are for us to feel God near?

  • What if these dark days are to experience God in the mundane of our routines?

  • And what if these dark days are to deepen our understanding of God’s love for us?


I miss the sun, those lemony rays warming my skin and heart … but … God is closer than the sun, God is closer than the warmth and energy it gives.  He reveals himself when we choose to love ourselves with discipline and compassion – He illuminates our path when we walk slowly and listen.  Be encouraged, these days are passing by – don’t miss out on the deepening work this can season bring.


Keep giving His light and love,

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