A Question for the Heavy Burdened

What are you learning?  I love that question; it isn’t asked often enough.  There is a lot of “knowledge” and “know-for-sure’s” being shared, especially in a world of “know-it-all’s”.  It seems only those in academics (especially children) get asked that question –  “What are you learning?” … and while math and history are important, it’s the trials of life that give us the best lessons.  From childhood to adulthood – we never stop learning because life never stops handing out lessons.


Have you ever heard of, Grounding?  One of my daughter’s would walk everywhere barefoot – in the mud, grass, stones … sidewalks, either she hated shoes or simply embraced her hippie persona; either way she was continuously Grounding.  There is a science to this:

“Humans are bioelectrical beings that carry a positive charge, which can build up in our bodies.  Earth has a negative charge. When we make contact through grounding, we discharge our excess energy, producing a healing effect at the cellular level. The simplest form involves walking barefoot in the grass, dirt, or sand.” https://greatist.com/grow/grounding


Turns out my hippie daughter was on to something.


When you ask the question, what are you learning? – this grounding effect happens.  The built-up stress that pulls your shoulders together, or the tears that are always one blink away … they seemingly release their grip when we identify our burden as a place of learning.


When the burn of rejection left me deeply wounded – it felt like a path of jagged stones on tender feet.  Weeks into the heartache, I learned I was having an adulterous love affair with the justice I desired … it consumed my thoughts. 

I learned God is jealous for my thoughts too – and to be mindful of what I’m giving my affection (my inward attention) toward.  


In the midst of funeral service after funeral service . . .

I’ve learned weeping and rejoicing together are communal acts of love. One is not greater than another, simply an offering of oneself to encourage and validate another’s heart. 


When you ask yourself, “What have I learned or am learning?” you’re creating your own walking path … one of tender grasses that allow the pain of the season or trial,  find a way of escape.


As Ann Voskamp is counting her blessings (a valid and lovely way of worship) … I’m listing my lessons.  Lessons that have given footing into the unknown and lessons that have given places of rest where peace consumed my heart. 


Perhaps you’re going through a hard season where blessings feel far off . . .


May I gently encourage you to see the lesson at hand? … What are you learning, friend?   It’s an inward question – one that asks you to bare your heart before you ask God for a solution.  This question will reveal your weakness, your insecurities, your pain … and it’s the best place to receive God’s love, direction, and hope.


Lessons are all around, God is continuously teaching and guiding us onto paths of discharge – His love releases our burden (another lesson learned)


With His love,


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