Ask Yourself This Question

Have you ever found yourself mumbling the question, “What am I doing with my life?”  For me, this question usually arises after I’ve seen someone become successful doing what they love, or moments when I’m bored with my daily routines.  Am I the only one who questions what my life’s ambitions should be?  Or what I will do when x,y, & z happen?  


What will I do when homeschooling comes to an end?  Should I be navigating toward something else? …  Am I doing what God wants me to be doing?


If you ever wonder what you’re supposed to be doing on planet earth, I’d like to help you solve that riddle with one simple question – What are the challenges you say yes to?


At the age of eight, I wanted to be an astronaut. Pair the sense of adventure with math and … I’m out. Math quickly overcame my desire to soar into outer space. Challenge, not accepted.


My guidance counselor tried setting my purposeful course too – when he asked what I wanted to do upon leaving high school, I said with shrugged shoulders, “Be an artist.”  His response took the wind and hope out of my directional sails, “OK.” looking down at his papers, “Let’s find you a real job.”  Hello business management courses.  After a few years of unsuccessful schooling, good bye college.


My daughter enjoys watching the television show, Shark Tank.  Shark Tank is an American business reality television series that has a panel of celebrity entrepreneurs such as Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, and Lori Greiner.  These multi-million dollar business celebrities engage in business proposals.  This show gives me anxiety – I feel every desperate emotion presented in every desperate sales pitch.  It’s as if every contestant has found their life’s purpose in whatever idea or invention they’ve come up with.  They’ve sacrificed time, money, and reputation to see their product succeed with great monetary success.  They’re so focused – and I feel like a loser by not having the ambition and drive they have. 


Simultaneously, I find it exhausting and encouraging to watch. The problem with shows like Shark Tank is that our purpose is not a bottom line, marketing technique, or percentage of gross sales – and we’ve settled to the idea that our purpose must be wrapped in money to experience value in it. 


What are the challenges you’ve said yes to?


Personally, I’ve said yes to marriage when I could have focused on college.  I’ve said yes to children when I could have placed my energy into a career. Yes, to homeschooling when the public school is next door to me.  All these moments were calling moments, why? Because every one of them came with challenges I was willing to accept.  


The challenges you’ve accepted reveal the God given gifts in you; gifts and talents that lead to life fulfilling moments, seasons, and purposeful direction.  I’m convinced searching for our purpose in life is as easy as watching what challenges we grab onto.


My oldest daughter will challenge herself physically with great tenacity (always did) – she is now embarking on the Air Force with medical endeavors in mind. If I’d challenged her to rest and ponder an idea – I’d later find her doing push-ups or squats, anything but resting.  The challenges she accepts always come in the form of physical fatigue.  Those challenges have lead to experience God’s directional voice in her life.


Another child of mine will spend hours and hours drawing.  Her sketches reflect her time, they’re detailed, imaginative, and inspiring her to write stories behind their confident expressions.  Recently, I challenged her to draw our family portrait, she accepted, and it now it hangs on our dining room wall.  If I were to ask her to mow the lawn or organize the shoe shelf … I’d still be waiting. 


Are you seeing the pattern yet?  What challenges will you accept and what will you not? 


Challenges promote growth, they push you into uncomfortable areas, and they inspire you!  If we can stop looking back at the should have moments, and look presently at the I can do this, moments – we will begin to see our purpose come alive and actively pressing us forward. 


Growing up was challenge, marriage is a challenge, raising kids is a challenge, careers, aging parents, sicknesses, the list runs on and on … hidden within all the challenges are purposeful callings, gifts, and direction our Lord takes us on.  Be inspired and at rest knowing you’re doing (through your yes’s) Heaven’s purpose.  Embrace those challenges with full confidence that you are partnering with Christ Jesus – the Author and perfecter of your faith … the One who places the desire in your heart to grow, learn, succeed, and live with purpose.


Hey!  Why not subscribe? In between homeschooling and business running – I sit down and write the words that brought me clarity.  My purpose in it, is to give those words to you. 🙂 


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