The Season of Transition

I believe every person you meet is going through some type of transition.  I’ve been transitioning for the past three years.  Slowly, the bedrooms in my home are becoming less occupied … traditions are changing, schedules are opening, and life feels oddly right.  Perhaps you too feel a change – a new school, new job, new home, new relationship?  Transitions can feel uncomfortable, they press us into areas that demand our choice and our action – and it’s all a part of God’s plan.


Being in a transition is proof of growing – spiritually, emotionally, and physically.


Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall – God uses seasons to reveal Himself to us as well as teach us how to transition.  In the transition predictability is disrupted, routines are changed, and what once comforted may now becoming irritations.  This transitional place can feel like you’re neither here nor there – with no clear plan or next step.  Yet, there is something (or Someone) who lures you forward, who allows the discomfort to persuade your movement onward, who loves you enough to not leave you stunted in growth.


Jesus gave us an illustration to explain the transition He was going through and would ultimately prophesy His death . . .  Yet, when we examine the simplicity of the content, we can see the plan God gives us to understand and embrace our transitions.  


 John 12:24 – “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”


  • Transition happens after a growing season:  “Falls to the ground” implies growth.
  • Transition accompanies rest:  Regular seeds must spend time drying to a critical level before they will germinate.
  • Transition ends with death to one season and begins with life for the new season:  Death to seasons are imminent – let that not sadden us, but let us rejoice in an ever faithful God who created the seasons to lure us, persuade us, and motivate us onward to His eternal love.  With death comes new life – and onward to new seasons filled with hope, full of potential, and through Holy Spirit – encouraged to grow!


We can understand the process of transitions based on God’s illustrations – not only can we understand them, we can find comfort knowing that He designed transition to happen for our benefit.  As we transition, we’ll have seeds grown through struggles, rested in His care, and ready to offer life and hope to another.


The transition you feel – the seasonal shift that is upon us, it’s been choregraphed by our Creator.  Not for you worry or fear, but to embrace with His grace and knowledge; He is using this season to bring you closer to His love.  Will you pray and obey?  Will you trust in the midst of death to old seasons and old ways?  Will you rest in faith and in the comfort of His Word?  And will you tell of your lessons, your struggles, and your new found hope?


Keep on keeping on, right into the next season! 



2 thoughts on “The Season of Transition”

  1. Really encouraging. It’s easy to be saddened by transition and change. Thank you for the encouragement and reminder that transition signals the LIFE of a new season. <3

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