Fear Not the Crossroads

Have you ever stood at a crossroad, a place of decision making?  Physically I’ve driven through many – and let me tell you, more often than not I’ve made the wrong turn.  If only my GPS would say things like, “Don’t turn here, Meagan – it’s the next right.”  And when it tells me to “head South East” . . . does it think I’m military trained?!   It would seem no matter how precise my navigation system is – I will ultimately get lost and re-routed until eventually I get to my destination.


Making a wrong turn doesn’t mean you’re doomed to never reach your destination.


If you’ve ever asked the question, “Where do I go from here?” or, “What am I to do now?” . . . every beginning and end to a season of life has us standing at crossroads pondering, and sometimes worrying, about not getting to our “God designed” destination –  fear of making a wrong choice leaves some of us crippled into making no choice.


Here’s what I’ve learned:  God uses wrong turns, missed turns, and re-routed routes.  Have we limited God’s power and sovereignty to “If you aren’t exactly & precisely where I called you to be – it’s game over. Lost. Doomed.”?


I can recall many times when I’ve heard people pray or speak about being in God’s perfect will – we desire to be exactly where God wants us to be.  It’s  good to want to please God – however, too much emphasis on not missing the mark, places ourselves in a state of spiritual perfection where we fear making a wrong choice.


When a young woman asked me, through tears, if she was in God’s will? – I asked her, “Are you partaking in obvious sin that God is convicting you to stop doing? Because you can’t be out of His will unless you have knowingly denied Him.”  The struggles this woman was going through was not a reflection of being out of His will – they were a reflection of her obeying God’s leading, and the journey He had her on was strengthening and growing her faith.


Struggles on your journey are not always an indication of being in or out of God’s will – they are a reflection of what and whom you chose to lead you.  Struggles strengthen our faith or strengthen our flesh – you choose.


God is bigger, better equipped, and full of re-routed plans for us.  All His ways are higher – He see’s more than us – has planned more than us – and is waiting for us at every right or left turn.  We need not be spiritual perfectionist – we simply need to choose, listen, and obey.


“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” Proverbs 3:5-7


Doing nothing will get you nowhere.  Take the step, turn the wheel, make the choice – and listen with a heart willing to obey Father.



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