Stepping Into Autumn – and other inspirational ideas

Summer switched off too quickly for me.  Like a flip of a light switch, fall has been turned on.  I’d prefer summer to be on a dimmer switch; gently and slowly fading out and into the cooler, darker months.  Within the last few days my heater has been turned on and my clothes have become heavier … flannels, sweaters, thick socks – hello comfy clothes.  Suddenly, I crave soup! Onion and garlic (the dynamic duo) are added to every recipe I make.  The new season is at hand and we are ushered into finding a new rhythm, a rhythm that flows with the same consistency and surety of Autumn … the colors will change, the temperatures will drop, and darkness will come earlier.  


It’s time to step into the new season – and I have some ideas to help you.


Stepping into Autumn, for me, looks like this . . .


Soup, lots of soup. Spices and root vegetables like garlic and ginger make one feel warm from the inside.  As the weather cools and the air crisps, our body asks for heat – and we find comfort in the nourishment we give it.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes:  


My indoor space must be a peaceful place!  That means summer clutter must go.  As you’re pulling out sweaters and sweatshirts, be sure to store away your summer wardrobe.  Or better yet, assemble your “get-rid-of” pile of clothes to be donated. Here are few other things I do as I prepare my home:

  • Stock up on pantry items (canned goods, condiments, dry foods).
  • Closets that feel too full, or have things falling out – give them a good purge!
  • Speaking of declutter, clear your surfaces to clear your mind. Clutter free surfaces invite peace and rest – trust me, try it.


Create a schedule that reflects Autumn’s rhythm.  Summer events have passed, football and pumpkin patch outings begin.  As our energy levels drop to the pace of the sooner setting sun, so should our calendar.  Personally, I love empty squares on the calendar – those squares feel like freedom to me.  For that reason, I try my absolute best to keep an empty square between two filled squares. 


Speaking of … is your planner looking tired and uninspiring?   I love A Well-Planned Gal planner they’re beautifully designed with places for all your tracking needs, and come with addons such as stickers, bookmarks, and snap in folders.  Sometimes all you need to feel more organized is a lovely space to create your schedule.


Engage your beauty!  Let Autumn inspire you to try new colors.  Check out Color Wise Me before you go shopping for your next fall color cardigan. 


For those who are hesitant to see summer go, I feel you.  For the vast majority who are currently ordering their Pumpkin Spice Latte’s and bundling their corn stalk decorations, go you!  For all of us, I hope you step into Autumn’s pace with a slower, and observant stride – I hope you stop to see the wonder around and the beauty in front of you – I hope these days bring you peace and comfort. And I hope you know God never changes, His faithfulness is found in all our seasons. 




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