How to move forward when fear of uncertainty is holding you back

If your perception is skewed by fear of uncertainty, you often times equate change to discomfort.  You dislike the idea of being out of control of your future, and this fear leaves you feeling insecure.

Your thoughts then trigger an emotional response and ultimately trigger your nervous system – a consequence that can be felt in your body such as stomach aches, headaches, tight muscles, exhaustion (to name a few).  

Fear of Uncertainty will give you a low frustration tolerance, self-pity and a “poor me” attitude, depression, hopelessness, and or – anxiety.  That will then affect your behavior by causing procrastination, avoidance, or overindulgences in “feel good” behaviors (e.g., food indulgences, alcohol, drugs, unnecessary shopping, anything used as quick fix used as a distraction).


Here’s how to move forward in-spite of the fear of uncertainty.


Name the fears – write them down, say them out loud, just call them out.  When you identify what your thinking, you’re taking captive the thoughts.

Then, change the narrative. – Such as, “It is natural for life conditions to not be ideal or perfect. It’s okay if situations do not exist the way I would prefer because I am capable of finding solutions to problems and making changes that bring me happiness and opportunity regardless of the situation happening around me.

Lastly, define your truth.

  • I am in control over what is happening internally; my thoughts, emotions, and behavior are subject to my leading.
  • It’s not the situation that makes me uncomfortable, it’s the fear of no control over the outcome.
  • When something I don’t like happens, I will change what I can. If I can’t change it, then I will take action by identifying what is or could be good about it, how I can get around it, or what I can learn from it.


Fear of Uncertainty is a place where growth can and will happen if given healthy alternatives instead of negative thinking.  As you start associating uncertainty and change with something positive that can lead you into spiritual and emotional growth, or help you further achieve a dream or desire … then you’ll begin to see uncertainty as a natural part of life in which fear and irrational thoughts aren’t guiding you – healthy thoughts that lead to positive emotions and behaviors will be your guide through the unexpected terrain of life.


Guiding scriptures:

2 Corinthians 10:5 Proverbs 3:6 –  – Hebrews 13:20-21James 1:5Micah 6:8


Cheering you on,





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