If You’re Praying for Truth to be Revealed

This waiting period is hard; our entire country is in a holding pattern circling above a year of emotional exhaustion and adrenaline fatigue. As ballots are being counted and lawyers are called into action, we are praying. However, what if our prayer exposes corruption in our heart? That is what happened to me. If you’re praying for justice and truth, may I encourage you to rest for a moment within these words?  


As I scrolled through the headlines, “voting fraud” were the repetitive words I read. Feeling helpless and hopeless, my small prayer was uttered, “Father, let your truth be known.” Knowing my heart better than I, Father responded quickly with this question, “Would you ask the same if your candidate was winning?”   If you would, you’re better than me – because I hesitated and did some truthful heart searching before I could answer that question. The bottom line was, I wouldn’t.  


I love Father’s truth – Father’s truth reveals our sin and allows us to see the deception in our heart. In regards to the election, hopefully you casted your vote and gave the rest to God. If you’re continuing in prayer, you’re in good company. However, perhaps the truth you’re desiring to be revealed is under your own roof, in your family or those you hold near? Perhaps the argument that ignited under friction and left you wondering what just happened – has you reeling in the pain of fraudulent claims? You’ve experienced the emotional eruptions that exploded and now you’re left feeling unheard and misunderstood. I’ve often prayed for God to reveal the truth in people, however, I’ve often been shown it’s my truth I desire, or my opinion I want upheld. The truth is I was fighting for my ideals, my idols, and my ways of protecting my heart from being hurt.  


When we ask for God’s truth to be revealed, it begins with being honest about the situation.  

  • Be honest about your pride … it hides behind self-righteousness.
  • Be honest about fear, fear is magnified in the assumptions we entertain.
  • Be honest about your offence, willing to offer a sacrifice of prayer instead of desiring sympathy from a friend or social media.  


“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Psalm 51:6


The only truth we can depend on and find healing in, is Father’s. We have the truth of His love, His provision, and His leadership in our lives. Take rest in Him today knowing and rejoicing that you are loved deeply, provided for greatly, and given authority through Christ Jesus to know and experience a healing and guiding truth.  




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